Brisbane Airport to Fortitude Valley

If you need to get transport from the Brisbane Airport, either Domestic or International, to Fortitude Valley, you have many options. Similarly, travelling in the opposite direction from Fortitude Valley back to the airport.

Brisbane Airport to Fortitude Valley
Getting from Brisbane Airport to Fortitude Valley is quick and easy, with many transport options available.

The location of Fortitude Valley is reasonably close to the Brisbane Airport, only 12km away. For most people, the train is the preferred option. However, there are plenty of transport alternatives.

Catching the Train From Brisbane Airport to Fortitude Valley

The train service that will get you from the Brisbane Airport to Fortitude Valley is called the Airtrain.  

Follow the prompts when heading out of the departure lounge. The Airtrain is well signed and simple to catch as there is only one line. You can’t go wrong!

It commences at Brisbane Domestic Airport station and then picks up further passengers at the International Airport station before connecting onto the mainline at Eagle Junction. 

Before arriving at Fortitude Valley Station, the train stops at an additional three stops, Woooloowin, Albion and Bowen Hills. The journey is approximately 15 minutes with a 15-minute departure frequency.

For more information on pricing, timetables, and more, see the Airtrain website

SkyBus – Brisbane City Express Stopping At Fortitude Valley

Brisbane has a relatively new alternative transportation service to and from the airport. An established bus company called SkyBus. Anyone that has been to Melbourne or Hobart would be familiar with this bus.

The journey is considerably longer, at roughly 30 minutes (or longer) to Fortitude Valley. The cost is slightly cheaper than the train although only marginally. It could be worth your while if the bus stops close to your accommodation. Have a check on the SkyBus website for additional details.

Private Transportation Options From Brisbane Airport to Fortitude Valley

Consider a few options if you prefer to travel to and from Fortitude Valley in private transport out to the airport.


Bargain Avenue

Taxies have a prime location close to the arrival lounges at Brisbane Airport. So as soon as you step out, you will see the taxi ranks straight away. 

Some of the taxi companies that operate in Brisbane:

  • 13Cabs – Phone: 132 227 Online:  
  • Back & White Cabs – Phone: 133 222 Online:

Vehicle types: 

  • Sedan for four passengers.
  • Business Class Sedan for four passengers.
  • Maxi Cab up to 10 passengers and wheelchair accessibility.
Brisbane Airport Taxi
The taxi rank is the first form of transport you will notice when exiting the Brisbane airport departure lounge

Ridesharing Services

Ridesharing is another option to using a taxi. However, parking arrangements aren’t as convenient as the taxis. You’ll need to arrange with your driver to pick you up from the pickup/dropoff zoned area. 

Typical ridesharing services include:

  • Uber
  • Ola
  • Didi

Hire Car

Hiring a car could be a practical option if you want to get to the more out-of-way places in Brisbane.  

You can pick up a car at the airport or use one of the above modes of transport to get to your accommodation in Fortitude Valley, then hire a car from there. The valley has plenty of hire car stores to choose. You may also get a better deal.

Car hire options in Fortitude Valley

  • East Coast Car Rentals
  • Europcar Brisbane Fortitude Valley
  • GoGet Car Hire
  • SIXT car, van and truck rental
  • Wongai 4wd Hire Brisbane (for off-road adventures)

Overview of Brisbane Airport

Brisbane Airport is the fastest-growing international airport in Australia. It handles domestic flights to Melbourne, Sydney, Gold Coast and Cairns.

Brisbane Airport is located in Queensland and has the third busiest airport in Australia. The Brisbane Airport is just 25 minutes away from Brisbane city centre. 

It has two main terminals, international and domestic. There are plenty of flights to destinations worldwide.

There are always buses that will take passengers and their luggage to and from the terminal buildings. These terminals include the International and Domestic. A free shuttle bus service connects the terminals, and taxis are available in the arrivals hall.

The airport provides an easy way to get to and from Brisbane. You can use either hail a taxi or Uber to get into the city centre or Fortitude Valley. Take a train that will drop you off at Fortitude Valley Station in roughly 15 minutes.

About Fortitude Valley

Fortitude Valley is a vibrant and cultural suburb of Brisbane’s inner city. Also known as “The Valley”, it is known as the entertainment hub of Brisbane. 

Not only does the Valley offer music, entertainment, pubs and clubs, but there is also a wide range of dining options. Visit Chinatown for some beautiful Asian cuisine. Stroll down James Street for fine dining options or maybe some clothes shopping.

View the Valley Guide website to explore more about what Fortitude Valley has to offer.